P31 Sewciety

Calling All Sewists!

Open invitation to participate in a monthly Life Group! This is a non-denominal group who loves to GIVE, SEW, CREATE & FELLOWSHIP! We will have breakfast and partake in “Girls With Swords”. Then sew on projects to be donated to local charities and organizations—Such as cancer centers, children’s homes, outreaches and national & international organizations! From time to time we will make projects to keep!

Reaching our community, One Stitch at A Time.

Along with our love for sewing and quilting! Our desire is to keep the art alive—to teach others, as well as sharing the items we make with others. Giving to others is part of what we do. 


Meeting Time

Join us the 1st SATURDAY of each month from 9am – Noon.

Follow us on our Facebook page to learn more.